Smiling When Meeting Others

Narrated by Abu Dharr RA, he said that Rasulullah SAW said to me:

لا تحْقِرَنَّ من المعرُوفِ شيْئًا ، ولوْ أنْ تلْقَى أخاكَ بوجْهٍ طلْقٍ

“Do not belittle any good deed, even if it is just meeting your brother with a cheerful face.”

Sahih Muslim (2626)

  • Islam places great importance on acts of kindness: No matter how small a good deed may be, it will surely be rewarded by Allah SWT.
  • Muslims are discouraged from neglecting acts of kindness, even something as simple as smiling when meeting friends and fellow Muslims, because a smile also earns a reward.
  • A smile can foster love and affection between brothers and among all people.